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Wanderlust is a comprehensive Travel Destination Platform that combines a user-friendly website and a powerful RESTful API. The website offers an interactive user-friendly interface where you can discover travel destinations, view detailed city information, check real-time weather updates and booking flight tikets. Simultaneously, the RESTful API empowers developers to programmatically access data, enabling them to retrieve, create, update, and delete destinations.


  • Random Destination Discovery: Experience the thrill of spontaneity by exploring random travel destinations.
  • In-Depth City Insights: Discover cities with comprehensive pages showcasing popular attractions, ratings, FAQ and valuable insights.
  • Tailored Travel Planning: Explore the world's most visited destinations or narrow down your choices by continent for focused travel planning.
  • Real-Time Weather Forecast: Stay prepared with 7-day weather forecasting for each city on your itinerary.
  • Flight Ticket Booking: Book your flight tickets with our integrated booking widget.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly and elegant interface for effortless navigation and travel inspiration.
  • User Account Features: Sign up and log in to save places to your "visited" or "plan to visit" lists, making your travel planning more accessible.
  • Interactive Map: Visualize your travel journey with an interactive map, giving you a geographical overview of your adventures
  • Achievements Tracker: Track your travel achievements and earn badges.

Wanderlust API

  • Effortless Data Retrieval: Retrieve destination data, including ratings, descriptions etc.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Advanced search and filtering capabilities to find destinations that match specific criteria.
  • Dynamic Data Updates: Add new destinations to expand the travel content or update existing details to keep the information fresh.
  • Secure Data Deletion: Maintain data integrity by securely deleting destinations as needed.
  • Clear Documentation: Simplify development with clear and comprehensive API documentation using Swagger UI.
  • Error Handling and Validation: Ensure data integrity and reliability with robust error handling and input validation.
  • API Key Integration: Sign up to generate a secure and unique API key, allowing you to access the Wanderlust API.

Technologies & Credits

  • Front-End Development: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap.
  • Back-End Development Flask (flask_sqlalchemy, flask_login, flask_paginate etc.), PostgresSQL + SQLAlchemy.
  • Visualization: Plotly for interactive choropleth maps, Leaflet for visualizing city maps.
  • API Integration: VisualCrossing API for weather forecasting, Dev.me API for country details, Nominatim API for geocoding, trip.com for flight ticket booking.
  • API Docs: Swagger UI.
  • Data: Some of the data was gathered from earthroulette.com, a valuable resource for travel information.
  • Theme: One page layout found on templatemo and modified by me to fit this project.

My Links

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